Building Information Modelling
It involves the creation of digital models of the target objects of our design projects. The process encompasses not only the digital geometric reproduction of the objects, but also the incorporation of parameterization regarding technical, commercial, qualitative aspects, maintenance and operation of the same.
It is no longer enough to represent the building in its usual design views, plans, elevations and cuts, but also to incorporate the three-dimensional views and the respective application of materials, shadows and other elements that allow us to visualize in advance the final effect of the current project.
Beyond this reality, specific information can be incorporated into each element present in the project, and the information necessary for construction, maintenance and operation can be extracted from it.
Intrinsic characteristics of these processes are 3D visualization, allowing detailed visualization of buildings and technical systems, facilitating the understanding of the project, its installation, the detection of collisions between systems and anticipating the preparation of work for the design phase.
The possibility of several teams working simultaneously on the same 3D model allows each specialty to observe the evolution of the others in almost real time, allowing for quick and effective spatial coordination decisions.
The parameterization of the various components of an installation allows information about their use and maintenance to be entered, helping maintenance teams throughout their life cycle.
GM joined BIM technology in 2012 and already has extensive experience applying this technology, which is used in about 90% of its production. Participation in projects located in different parts of the world led to this process being assimilated as a primary form of our project methodology.
The digital revolution in design methodologies was adopted from day one by GM, and currently in use the production of models corresponding to “digital twins”, objects that integrate in their digital version all the specifications, operating instructions and maintenance of the real objects.
BIM can also play an important role when it comes to sustainability. Essentially, the anticipation and resolution, for the design phase, of problems that usually arise during construction, makes it possible to optimize and reduce the time required to implement the set of technical specialties of a building on site.
Its tools and capacity to parameterize the most varied elements allow an in-depth analysis of all the variables present in each project. Thus, using forecasts and simulations, BIM allows:
Integrated into its business, GM can provide the following BIM services: